Dressed too casual for my environment, but too cool for you to mention it
Its not that I don't have club clothes, this is just what I'm most comfortable in
And for what I'm about to experience, I need to be comfortable
A step back from the crowd
A still face
A drink in my hand
The Club System is jumpin' but, but that's not why I cant hear you
"Stop Talking. You're ruining the show."
"I'm trying to watch a movie"
The venue is the setting. The crowd, the cast. The music sets the tone for the scene.
Its early morning and the Professor is running a review from the previous lecture
My Book's open, my paper's out, my pencil and calculator ready
My headphones are removed but that doesn't stop the music from playing
Mental iPod on shuffle and I have no idea whats about to play next.
My pencil records the notes but doesn't stop with just that
I'm in control but not in control at the same time
There's a picture being created and I'm finding out what it is just as the kid next to me is
And why is there never enough room on the paper?
::: Moves to the Desk :::
"Riding through my city with my hood up and my windows down" (imagine the windows are up today though)
Black Man, Black Shades, Black Tints, ..Red Charger
And its happening again
I know where I'm driving, but my location is unknown
Two 12's in the trunk shakin'
Cant even feel my phone vibrate
. . . . .I'm lost in the bass. . . . . .
This song had a dope music video, but it aint got shit on my version
"They" shoulda hired me to direct this bih
Hell, The lyrics dont even go with my story. It's the beat that has stolen my attention
Everything I've passed and everything I'm approaching is no longer what it used to be
My whip transforms & My thoughts come alive
Im a day dreamer.
Although I need to stop it, im afraid to lose it.