The first concept was patented in 1884.
Commercial use began during the 1920's.
And present day is now a keen tool in human development and social influence.
My generation no longer experiences life in the same manner in which previous generations have. We no longer think outside of the box. Whether it be a television, a computer monitor, a cellphone, or now a PC tablet, human beings no longer "think outside of the box."
We now rely on our electronic devices as our source for information, entertainment, social interactions, and companionship. I remember once upon a time it was the knee scrapping and skin peeling experiences that helped you find other individuals who'd you call your friend. Now its "suggested" to you through social medias such as Facebook, and is as easy as sending a "friend request" online.
Electronic Mail,Instant Messaging, Video Chat, Streaming Feeds, Online Banking, Online Shopping, Internet Pornography, Online Gaming, News Portals, Online Forums, Social Networking Sites, and an App for just about anything you can think of.
People walk down the street with one eye to their path and the other glued to their mobile device.
This month as well as for Lent, I gave up the usual alcohol, pork, and masturbation. And included in that, sweets, fast-food, and soda. But fuck the little month im giving up my beloved "Idiot Box!"(Great Mama's term for TV)
..ironically below is video of how television now molds our society.
..and another video offering a look "outside of the box" of a culture not dependent upon electronics.
"How TV ruined our lives"